


An international "competition for the best student scientific project in a foreign language" will held on 18-19 May, 2017 at Buryat State University.

We kindly invite students to take part in the International Competition for the best student scientific project in a foreign language organized by the Department of foreign languages of the Buryat State University.

The competition is held in the following sections:

  1. "Research in the field of mathematics, computer science, and physics"
  2. "Research in the field of biology, geography, cadastre, and geodesy"
  3. "Research in the field of history, political science, and sociology"
  4. "Research in the field of medicine"
  5. "Research in the field of chemistry, geology, and nature management"
  6. "Research in the field of economics and law"

To participate in the competition, please, mail filled-out application(for the application form, see the end of the Information Letter)to tsd60@yandex.ru (SesegmaD.Tsyrenzhapova,with the subject "Competition") before 01April 2017.

Yourarticle for publicationbased on the research project, designed according to the requirements (see below) must be sent by 18 April, 2017.

Requirements for the article:

The volume of the article should be no more than six pages.

The format of the sheet: A4; fontTimes New Roman, size 11, line spacing-1,0; margins of 1.5 cm on all sides, the text is justified.

Headlines: in capital letters, centered, bold, font size 11, prohibition of transfers.

Information about the authors: italics, alignment in the middle (name of the scientific supervisor/s, name of the student/s), full name of the educational institution, city, country.

Text:font 11, paragraph indent-1,25, the prohibition of hyphenation, justified alignment. The text of article is typed after skipping one line. References in the text are given in square brackets, for example [3, p. 17].

References: spacing after the text, the title (References) centered, bold, size 10, next alphabetically ordered list of sources with the output (font line, lean).

For example:


Zhilyaeva O. A., Bashkueva T. D., Gomboev Zh.

Chita State Academy of Medicine, Chita, Russia

The purpose of this study.....

The objectives of the study are: ...

The aim of the study is ...

Materials and methods: ....



  1. Dela Cruz GG, Rozier G, Slade G. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry// Oral health examinations. - 2007; 29:26-7. 2.
  2. Mokrinskiy Y. L. Experience of the best Japanese firms / Mokrinskiy Y. L., E. A. Novikov. - Voronezh: Brand LTD, 2004.
  3. Peters T. In search of effective management / T. Peters, R. Waterman. - Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1986.
  4. Shilpa Chandiwal, DDS Richard K. Yoon. Assessment of an Infant Oral Health Education Program on Resident Physician Knowledge // Journal of Dentistry for Children, DDS -79:2, 2012.

Deadline for submission of articlesis 18 April 2017.

Please, transfer organizational fee for participation in the competition (600 RUB for 1 student) by postal order to thefollowing address: 670000, Ulan-Ude, the Main Post office, Poste restante, Tsyrenzhapova Sesegma Dambievna (with the mark "for participation in competition of projects" and the name of the participant).

Also organization fee could be paid just at the Foreign Language Department, in person, when you come to Ulan-Ude to participate in the Competition.

Travel and accommodation of the participants:at the expense of the sending organizations.

Please, e-mail your application, article for publication and copy of the payment receipt to tsd60@yandex.ru (TsyrenzhapovaSesegmaDambievna).

Address of the Organizing Committee:Department of foreign languages for natural sciences, room 2115, bld. 4, Ranzhurova Street, Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russia, 670000.

Chairperson of the organizing committee: TsyrenzhapovaSesegma (Svetlana) Dambievna(tsd60@yandex.ru,tel: 8924654037).

Application form

Surname, name, patronymic of the student(s) (full)

Surname, name, patronymic of the scientific supervisor(s) (full). Position, academic degree, academic title

Place of study (full name of educational institution) , department, group number

Student's passport: series, number, office and date of issue


Address with postal index (for sending publications)

Phone number

E-mail address

Form of participation in the competition (presence, distant)

Title of the project

Necessary technical means for presentation of the project

Hotel reservation (if needed)

Date of arrival and departure


ompetition -Project
22 КБайт

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